The Educational Excellence and Effectiveness (E3) Team
Reach out to E3 for expertise and support with:
• External accreditation
• Commitment to federal compliance
• Teaching and learning, including teaching effectiveness
• Assessment or strategic planning and the process of using data for decision-making
• Giving attention to a process or policy across multiple departments for current or future success
• Expanding your network and available resources from across the university
• Identify and use relevant data to support continuous advancement and assessment efforts
Jennifer Lehmann – Executive Director (
Jen is the Executive Director for the E3 team. Please contact Jen if you would like to collaborate with the E3 team, request resources or consultation to support educational excellence and effectiveness at the University of New Hampshire.
Lauren Kordonowy – Teaching and Learning Specialist (
Lauren is the Teaching and Learning Specialist for the E3 team. She develops workshops and other programs about higher education pedagogy for UNH faculty, instructors, and staff and provides one-on-one consultations on teaching. Please contact Lauren if you would like a teaching consultation, have questions about E3’s pedagogy programming, or would like to collaborate on pedagogy initiatives or departmental teaching supports.
Lydia Gove – Data and Information Strategist (
Lydia is the Data and Information Specialist on the E3 team. She works with users to make data accessible and actionable to drive student and faculty success. Please reach out to discuss how you can use data in your area.
Susan Chang - Assessment and Continuous Improvement Specialist (
Susan is the Assessment and Continuous Improvement Specialist on the E3 team. Please contact Susan to discuss planning and implementation related to assessment practices for curricular and co-curricular areas. Susan is excited to discuss how assessments can help departments identify data to inform strengths - as well as for continuous improvement.
Todd Slover – Institutional Effectiveness and Compliance Specialist (
Todd is the Institutional Effectiveness and Compliance Specialist for the E3 team. He provides support for institutional and programmatic accreditation, and regulatory compliance. Please contact him if you need assistance strategizing, executing, and evaluating interactions with accreditors, regulators, or other external agencies.